Post by padme on Apr 10, 2007 13:04:18 GMT -5
Hey everyone! Well, I actually started working on this story again. Those who know me for awhile now know it's been A LONG TIME!!!! MUCH LONGER THAN MASTER FEENEY - TRUST ME! (no offense tended Feeney - just saying how long it's been for me. I hope everything is well with you - miss you. Hope you update soon) Well, anyways, as I was saying - it's been over a year since I touched this story! I even had to reread it yesterday to try and find out where I was going with it. You may feel a change in the feel of the story. I'm still going in the same direction that I intended - but I'm not going to tell you yet. He, he, he. But I lost where I was going with Anakins pain, I guess you can put it that way. He's still in pain - but the depth of it I lost (guess that happens when you haven't touched it for a long time.) I'm not done with Chapter 9 - I just wanted to get something fresh up. Any comments please put it in the comment thread. I hope you enjoy it. Any thoughts let me know!