Post by PadmeSkywalker on Aug 28, 2006 13:51:52 GMT -5
wow I really enjoyed..... its not over? I mean Jinn and Kenobi are heading to see "Palps"...... and what of Anakin and Padme....
Question, did Anakin's clone father the children? He was at the castle for three years?
Post by Astrid on Sept 13, 2006 9:39:54 GMT -5
wow I really enjoyed..... its not over? I mean Jinn and Kenobi are heading to see "Palps"...... and what of Anakin and Padme.... Question, did Anakin's clone father the children? He was at the castle for three years? Sorry I didn't answer this yet! No, the real Anakin is the father of the children. The clone Anakin was made from the cut off finger (not whole arm in my story) from the Dooku fight. It took them 3 years to grow the clone. The clone replaced the real Anakin after the scene where Palpatine tries to get Anakin to turn in his office, then it goes kind of vague... that is when the real Anakin was taken to the island castle and the clone brought in, just before the fight with Obi Wan.
Post by Astrid on Oct 25, 2006 12:33:54 GMT -5
I haven't given up on my story I am planning an update soon. I have the Obi-wan and Qui-Gon part already but I can't quite figure out how and when I'm going to get Anakin, Padme and Palpatine off that island. I want it to be good so I'm not rushing it, though I know it's taking too long and I'm sorry.
Post by crystalcat on Dec 14, 2006 16:23:25 GMT -5
Yay, you finally updated this!
I'm wondering - is Syfo-Dias in the tank right now and he's about to come out and find them? Please don't answer here, just please don't go so long without updating again!
I see you may have figured out what to do to get Anakin & Padme off the island - go to the Gungans! It will be interesting to see what happens when they do!
Post by Steller's Jay on Dec 14, 2006 17:01:39 GMT -5
Chapter 5
Wow. what revelations in this chapter! Palpatine is really a good person (I guess), and another took his place, the one who originally ordered the clone army be created. I never would have thought of this. Good idea, Astral_Traveler!
I'm off to the next chapter.
Post by Steller's Jay on Dec 14, 2006 17:17:17 GMT -5
Chapter 6
Oh boy, I wanted to keep yelling, "He's alive!" in this chapter. Finally, they realize it, but don't know where he is and don't know about the Chancellor. You're so good at conveying their feelings in few words. I love this story. Off to the next chapter!
Post by Steller's Jay on Dec 14, 2006 17:22:27 GMT -5
Chapter 7
Well, thank you for leaving us there! I hope we don't have to wait too long to find out what is happening in there with the changeling and Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon!
I had forgotten all about the Gungans. I expect they will be able to help Anakin and Padme. I don't think I like your Owen Lars; what a meanie!
Post by Annie on Dec 17, 2006 20:05:21 GMT -5
The Gungans under the water, I never thought about them being a help. Will Jar Jar show up? I sure hope that the Jedi are not hurt by Syfo Dias! Can he assume any form, or only Palps now?
Post by Astrid on Sept 22, 2007 10:04:19 GMT -5
I have been thinking of finishing this very soon. I've actually had a request from someone on another site and it's encouraging me. I don't want to leave it unfinished. I'll feel I have accomplished something if I can follow it through to the end. Good luck to everyone else with writer's block.