Post by Astrid on Oct 31, 2006 11:26:44 GMT -5
Did anybody ever go trick or treating as a Star Wars character? Who were you? Or did you know somebody who did? See any cool costumes coming to your door!
Post by PadmeSkywalker on Oct 31, 2006 12:38:29 GMT -5
I've had a couple of Darths.... very young..... very cute.......... with their little orange pumpkins.......
Post by arie on Oct 31, 2006 16:52:32 GMT -5
LOL. Happy Halloween! Actually, last year, I went as Padme! I made the costume myself... it was pretty cool. It was that white action suit outfit she wore in AOTC. Everyone loved it! My brother went as Darth Vader and my cousin went as Princess Leia. It was so much fun to make the costume myself. I wish I had a picture for you guys... But this year, I'm not going as a character from SW. I'm being a Pirate! For I also love POTC!
Post by christyc21 on Oct 31, 2006 17:34:28 GMT -5
I've seen tons of em...mostly Darths...one Anakin...and...I think..a yoda..it was a little baby too..so adorable...
hmm..its no fair..I wish I was little again so I could go trick or treating...its even my brithday too..and I still can't go...
Post by Annie on Oct 31, 2006 19:20:02 GMT -5
I remember seeing a Darth Vader the first year ANH came out. (I am so old, I was 16 by then and too old to trick or treat so I was handing out) He was the little brother of a friend I knew, and he kept mumbling under his little mask and I couldn't understand him and I had no idea who he was though he seemed to know me. Finally he had to take off the mask and show me his face!
I didn't see any this year, but there were some good costumes.
Post by PadmeSkywalker on Oct 31, 2006 22:51:21 GMT -5
Well maybe this is a record, I had the two darths, actually neighbor boys, who stopped over, they are young and mom didn't want them out at night, etc., can't blame her.
I stayed home and handed out candy.... man when you tell kids to help themselves they do! Amazing I still have candy left this year......
Saw two more Darths..... again very young boys...... one kept taking off the mask, he was mumbling, its hot in here!
I have to say the majority of what I saw for girls was princesses, Ariel, Cinderella.... boys I saw alot of pirates, and alot of evil, ugly, bloody guys......lol
Post by duffy on Nov 2, 2006 11:02:57 GMT -5
My oldest son went as Darth for the third year in a row. He loves him and doesn't want to change. I saw several Darth in the neighborhood and lots of pirates this year.
Post by Astrid on Nov 2, 2006 11:09:34 GMT -5
Your son was Darth, that's cool. It's good to hear there are still Star Wars kids out there, and pirates too, like Arie's crossover!
It sounds like you all had a wonderful Halloween!