Post by samantha on Jan 3, 2007 9:47:51 GMT -5
I'm creating this thread after to have noticed during my holiday in Hong-Kong, that some Star Wars Trilogy TV runs, from episodes I to VI were planned seemly everywhere on New Year's Eve.
In France, it was ran on the channel Canal +, with interviews of fans, from a vidder to others, under a documentary series called I Dreamt To Be A Jedi...
Back to Hong-Kong, it was advertised on Imperial buses (I even got my Dad to take a picture of it, since it was all written in Chinese! I'll email them to Annie as soon as he will have passed them on to me), and inside The South China Morning Post 31st of december issue, with the same picture shot featuring Anakin, Obi-Wan, and Mace Windu and titled as Out In Force: Something Wicked This Way Comes In.
As it been the same for you back in America, Canada, or anywhere else you're living around the world?
I just couldn't help but smile at the memory than Revenge Of The Sith were one of the pay-per-view movies I could see at the Queen Elizabeth Fairmont Hôtel, Montréal, Québec, where I spent my previous holiday season last year...