Post by queennaberrie on Feb 21, 2007 22:33:08 GMT -5
Chapter 11
Chancellor’s Office
Mace Windu and three other Jedi stormed into the Chancellor's office with Windu in the front, just as Palpatine turns his chair to face them. “Master Windu. I take it General Grievous has been destroyed then. I must say, you're here sooner than expected.”
Windu and the other three Jedi ignored what Palpatine said. “In the name of the Galactic Senate of the Republic, you are under arrest, Chancellor.” Windu said with authority and disgust. He and the other Jedi ignited their lightsabers.
Palpatine glared at Windu. “Are you threatening me, Master Jedi?” He said in a gravelly tone.
“The Senate will decide your fate.” Mace Windu said with authority and standing his ground.
Palpatine starts to evilly laugh. “I am the Senate!”
Windu looks at him with shock then determination. “Not yet!”
Palpatine then quickly stood up and a lightsaber appears out of his cloak sleeve and he ignites it…a red blade appears. “It's treason, then.” He said as he, took the Jedi by surprise and spun towards them, welding his lightsaber in attack.
Palpatine attacks other three Jedi, quickly cutting them down with his lightsaber and leaving only Windu as his opponent. He turns to fight Windu and Jedi Master Mace Windu and the Sith Lord fight their way down the hallway, into the main office area. Palpatine then uses the Force to slam Windu against the wall, but he quickly recovers and moves out of the way before the Chancellor can cut him down.
Meanwhile, Anakin has arrived at the Senate building and lands his Jedi Fighter, jumping out, and started to run down the long corridor toward the Chancellor's office. I have to stop Master Windu before he kills Palpatine. I need him. Anakin thought to himself as he continued to quicken his pace towards the Chancellor’s office.
Windu and Palpatine are still dueling and move closer to the window. Mace swings at Palpatine, but he ducks and spins around, his lightsaber cutting through the large window behind his desk causing it to shatter. The wind to start wiping through the office. They are now both fighting on the window ledge, continuing to their battle over the precipice. Windu then gets the better of Palpatine, backing Palpatine up against the side of the window sill just as Anakin arrives. Palpatine is now on the floor, leaning up against the sill and Windu forces him to drop his lightsaber. “You are under arrest, My Lord.” Windu said with disgust while pointing his purple blade at Palpatine’s head.
Anakin sighed with relief. He’s going to arrest him. Good.
Palpatine starts to act like he’s frightened and turns his head to face Anakin, who is staring at this situation and thinking how pathetic and helpless Palpatine is acting. “Anakin! I told you it would come to this. I was right. The Jedi are taking over.”
“You old fool. The oppression of the Sith will never return. Your plot to regain control of the Republic is over … you have lost …” Windu said taking a quick look at Anakin and then back at Palpatine, still pointing his blade at his throat.
“No! No! You will die!” Said in an evil voice and then raised his hands, sending Sith lighting bolts at Windu. Anakin watched in horror as Windu used all his strength to hold back the lightening with his lightsaber.
I have to stop this. I can’t have Palpatine kill Master Windu either. Anakin thought to himself and was about to interfere when Palpatine started speaking him again. He looked at him with confusion and fear.
“He is a traitor, Anakin.” Palpatine pleaded with Anakin.
“He's the traitor. Stop him!” Windu said, continued to struggle with to holding off Palpatine’s attacks.
Palpatine sneered as he continued to strengthen the attack on Windu. “Come to your senses, boy. The Jedi are in revolt. They will betray you, just as they betrayed me.”
What do I do? Anakin looked back and forth as both men.
“Aarrrrggghhhhh…” Windu yelled, starting to lose his defensive stance against the powerful Sith lightening attack.
“You are not one of them, Anakin. Don't let him kill me.” Palpatine pathetically pleaded with him.
“Aarrrrggghhhhh…” Windu was straining now, having a hard time holding his ground.
Palpatine continued to look at Anakin with sad eyes. “I am your pathway to power. I have the power to save the one you love. You must choose. You must stop him.”
“Don't listen to him, Anakin!” Windu pleaded with Anakin, looking back at Palpatine with disgust.
Palpatine then started to act like he was beginning to falter. “Help me! Don't let him kill me. I can't hold on any longer. Ahhhhhhh….ahhhhhhh….ahhhhhhh …”
Windu continues to push Palpatine farther out onto the edge of the ledge. Just as Windu moves closer to him, the bolts from Palpatine's hands begin to arch back on him. Anakin watched in horror as the Chancellor's face to begin to twist and distort. His eyes became yellow as Palpatine continues to struggle to intensify his powers. “I can't ... I give up. Help me. I am weak ... I am too weak. Don't kill me. I give up. I'm dying. I can't hold on any longer.” Palpatine stopped his Sith lightening attack and tried to crawl farther away from Windu who was now advancing toward him with the tip of his blade pointed right at him.
“You Sith disease. I am going to end this once and for all.” Windu growled at him.
Anakin started to breath hard. He’s going to kill him. I have to stop him or I’ll lose my chance to save Padme. “You can't kill him, Master. He must stand trial.”
“He has too much control of the Senate and the Courts. He is too dangerous to be kept alive.” Windu said as he glanced over at Anakin.
“I'm too weak. Don't kill me. Please.” Palpatine begged, holding his hands up in front of him.
Anakin looked over at Palpatine and then looked back at Windu with continued fear and confusion, shaking his head. “It is not the Jedi way…” He said to Windu, but Windu ignored him and raised his to kill Palpatine. “He must live…” Anakin pleaded with Windu.
“Please don't, please don't…” Palpatine whined, covering his face more with his hands.
Anakin looked at Windu, pleading with his eyes. “I need him…”
“Please don't…” Palpatine continued to plead.
Just as Windu is about to slash Palpatine, killing him. “NO!” Anakin shouted and ignited his lightsabering and stopped him by cutting off the Windu’s hand that was holding his lightsaber. Windu stares at Anakin in shock just as Palpatine gets an evil grin on his face and springs to life, using the full force of the Dark Side to blast lightening bolts at Windu. Windu attempted to deflect them with his one good hand, but the Force of the bolts are too great and blue rays engulf his body, causing his body to be flung out the window, falling to his death many stories below.
And then there was silence. What have I done? Anakin turned to stare at Palpatine with remorse and confusion on his face.
“Power! Unlimited power!” Palpatine said as his face changed into one of pure evil. Anakin looked at Palpatine with horror as the Sith lord cackled and stood up.
“What have I done?” Anakin says in a total state of shock and devastation. He drops his now extinguished lightsaber to the floor and drops to the chair behind him. What have I done? Master Windu is dead.
“You are fulfilling your destiny, Anakin.” Palpatine said as he slowly walked over to Anakin, who looked up at him. “Become my apprentice. Learn to use the dark side of the Force.”
The Jedi will never forgive me for this. And there’s no turning back now. “I will do whatever you ask.” Anakin reluctantly said. I’m lost now. I’ve failed.
“Good.” Palpatine answered in a gravelly voice and with a smile that sent chills up Anakin’s back.
I’m doing this for you, Padme. Anakin starts to breath hard and his eyes are full of regret and sadness. “Just help me save Padme's life.” He pleaded. “I can't live without her. I won't let her die. I want the power to stop death.”
Anakin then started to kneel before Palpatine as he stepped closer to him. “To cheat death is a power only one has achieved, but if we work together, I know we can discover the secret.”
I thought he knew how to save her…Anakin thought to himself as he looked at Palpatine with surprise.…but he’s willing help me. “I pledge myself to your teachings. To the ways of the Sith.” Anakin said with reluctance, lowering his eyes to floor in shame. I’m sorry Luke and Leia. I failed you.
“Good. Good.” Palpatine said with an evil smile. “The Force is strong with you. A powerful Sith you will become.” He then looked down at Anakin. “Henceforth, you shall be known as…Darth…Vader.”
It’s happening…just the way they said it would. But it’s too late for me.. I’ve crossed the line. “Thank you, my Master.” Anakin said as he bowed to his new master and then looked back up at him. I’m sorry…I wasn’t strong enough to resist the temptation.
“Rise, Darth Vader. Palpatine told him as he moved over to his desk.
Just outside the door to Palpatine’s office, Luke and Leia arrived and crouched around the corner. They listened in horror as they overheard their father swearing allegiance to Palpatine and the ways of the Sith. They both looked each other with regret and sorrow. “We’re too late, Luke.” Leia whispered. “He’s turned. Why would he do that after all we told him. What do we do?”
“I don’t know. But Order #66 has been issued yet. Maybe there’s still hope.” Luke answered her and then got up from his crouched position. “Come on. I think I have an idea.”
Leia looked at him with puzzlement and then followed her brother.
Palpatine puts on his dark cloak and pulls the hood up over his head, taking on the full look of Darth Sideous. He looks at Anakin with cold yellow eyes. “Because the Council did not trust you, my young apprentice, I believe you are the only Jedi with no knowledge of this plot. When the Jedi learn what has transpired here, they will kill us, along with all the Senators.”
It’s true. They’ll never trust me now and Windu’s attempt on Palpatine’s life is proof of a Jedi takeover. They could very well think the Senate is a threat, including Padme. “I agree. The Jedi's next move will be against the Senate.” Anakin said to him as he got to his feet.
“Every single Jedi, including your friend Obi-Wan Kenobi, is now an enemy of the Republic.” Palpatine paused. “You understand that, don't you?”
Not Obi-Wan. Anakin sighed and then bowed to Palpatine. “I understand, Master.”
“We must move quickly.” Palpatine said as Anakin started pacing in front of Palpatine’s desk. “The Jedi are relentless; if they are not all destroyed, it will be civil war without end. First, I want you to go to the Jedi Temple. We will catch them off balance. Do what must be done, Lord Vader. Do not hesitate. Show no mercy. Only then will you be strong enough with the dark side to save Padme.
Anakin stopped pacing and looked at Palpatine. “What about the other Jedi spread across the galaxy?”
“Their betrayal will be dealt with.” Palpatine told him. He must mean Order #66. Anakin thought to himself and then continued to listen to Palpatine’s instructions. “After you have killed all the Jedi in the Temple, go to the Mustafar system. Wipe out Viceroy Gunray and the other Separatist leaders. Once more, the Sith will rule the galaxy, and we shall have peace.”
Even the younglings? Anakin sighed and then bowed to Palpatine. “Yes, Master.” He then turned and headed towards the door.
As soon as he got outside of Palpatine’s quarters, he stopped. A tear started down his cheek and he ran his right hand down his face, then dropped his hand to his side again. I can’t do this. I just can’t. But if I don’t, Padme will die. I don’t have any choice.
Anakin then sighed and swallowed hard, continuing his way out of the Senate building. He crossed through the rows of massive columns to the main entrance when…crash…the sound of glass breaking echoed through the columns. Anakin’s eyes rolled up into his head and he dropped to the floor with a thud, unconscious.
Luke stood over his father with the handle of the broken vase still in his hand. He lowered his hand, dropping the glass handle to the floor just as Leia joined him from behind another column. They both stood over their father’s still form, staring at him with worry.
Leia then turned to look at her brother. “Do you think we can turn him back…to the Light Side?”
“I sure hope so.” Luke answered her as he reached down to turn Anakin over on his back. He then reached under his arms. “Leia, grab his legs.”
Post by queennaberrie on Feb 21, 2007 22:34:16 GMT -5
Chapter 12
Leia followed Luke’s instructions and bent down to grab their father’s legs. “I still can’t believe you knocked him out with a vase, Luke.” Leia said as they both lifted him and started carrying him towards their speeder that waited off to the side of the main entrance, just out of sight.
“Did you have a better idea?” Luke asked her.
Leia looked at her brother with a vacant look on her face. “No.” She finally said.
“Well…knocking him out with a vase was the best idea I could come up with.” Luke said as they reached their speeder. “Help me get him into the backseat.” He said as he stepped into the backseat of the speeder, walking backwards.
“Be careful, Luke. Don’t fall.” Leia said with concern as Luke tripped backwards and almost dropped Anakin, which caused him to stir a little.
“Hmm.” They heard their father groan as they both stopped in their tracks and remained extremely still as Anakin twitched. The twins just stared at him and then looked at each other in the eyes with fear. Then Anakin was still and quiet again.
“Whew.” Luke sighed. “That was close.” He said as he continued trying to lower their father into the backseat of the speeder, laying him across the entire length of the seat.
“He’s not going to be very happy when he wakes up.” Leia said as she lowered his feet over the side of the speeder.
“I know.” Luke agreed and then slowly lowered Anakin’s head to the seat. He then stepped into the driver’s seat and sat down, just as Leia climbed fully into the backseat, lifting her father’s head so she could sit down. She put his head on her lap.
Luke started the speeder and headed out into the busy Corusant traffic, just as Leia began stroking her father’s head, looking down at his face, and brushing his long, curly blonde hair away from his eyes. “I was just starting to like him and accept him as our father.” Leia said as a tear started to escape down her cheek and she looked up at her brother, who was looking back at her in the rearview mirror. “And now he’s became Vader all over again.”
Luke continued to look at the skyway ahead of him. “He’s not totally lost, you know.”
Leia looked at Luke’s blue eyes looking back at her in the rearview mirror. “What do you mean?”
“I don’t sense that much darkness in him.” Luke answered her. “I feel the light still radiating from him even now…But there’s also a lot of fear, sadness and a sense of failure also coming from him.”
Leia weakly smiled a little in the knowledge that there was still hope for their father. She then looked down at her father’s face that seemed so peaceful in his unconscious state, continuing to stroke the top of his head with the love of a daughter worried about her father. “So you think there’s still hope for him?” She asked while looking up at Luke’s reflection in hopeful anticipation.
Luke quickly smiled back at her in the mirror, just as they approached the veranda outside their mother’s apartment. “I think so. We just have to convince him that Mother won’t die if he stays on the Light Side.” He said as he brought the speeder to a stop and turned it off.
Padme saw the speeder’s approach and ran out to the balcony. She brought her hands up to her mouth, just as she opened it in shock, as she saw Anakin unconscious in the back seat. “What happened? Is he...?”
“He’s fine mother.” Luke said as Leia climbed out of the speeder, grabbing Anakin’s legs and Luke climbed into the backseat and picked his father up from underneath his arms again. “We had to knock him out to keep him from making the worst mistake of his life.” Luke continued as they moved him out of the speeder, passing their mother who continued to look on with worry, and laid him on the couch.
“Why did you have to knock him out?” Padme said as she rushed over to do just as Leia had done in the speeder, picked up his head up off of the couch and setting his head on her lap. She started also caressing the top of his head as she looked up at their children with fear. “What were you preventing him from doing?”
“From helping Palpatine carry out his plan to wipe out all the Jedi.” Leia told her as she approached her and put her right hand on her mother’s shoulder to comfort her.
“But why?” Padme asked as tears started filling her eyes. “Why would Anakin do that? He’s a good man. The Jedi are like his family. He could never kill them.” She said as tears started down her cheeks and she bent down to kiss her husband on the forehead. She sat back up and looked at their children again. “You make him sound like he’s a Sith. Did he turn…to the Dark Side?” She asked with fear and sadness.
“He’s not a Sith.” Luke said. “At least, I sense not yet. He thinks he’s doing this to save you from dying in childbirth…like in his dream.”
“But I’ve tried to assure him…I won’t die in childbirth.” Their mother said as tears started flowing down her cheeks. “You’re saying he turned to the Dark Side because he thinks he can save me if he does?”
“He hasn’t fully turned, Mother.” Luke answered her as he, too, approached her and then knelt down in front of her, looking up at her and taking her free hand in his. “He’s still a Jedi. Perhaps what we told him about the future helped with that.” He looked down at the floor and then back up into his mother’s eyes. “At least I hope it did.”
Just as Luke finished his last sentence, Anakin’s eyes flew open and he moaned. “Ow.” He said as he reached up with his left hand to rub his aching head but instead brushed his hand on Padme’s. He looked up at his wife’s tear drenched face with surprise and concern. “Padme?” Anakin he said with shock, then started to remember what had just happened. He had a puzzled look on his face. “How did I get here?” He asked her.
Padme smiled and kissed her husband’s forehead again and then caressed it. “Luke and Leia brought you here.” She said with a smile and then looked over at their children.
Anakin looked at them dumbfounded. “What did you do?” He asked them.
“We overheard you swearing allegiance to that worm, Palpatine; and you begging him to help you save Mother.” Leia told him while crossing her arms in front of her. “So we knocked you out, so we could have a chance to convince you otherwise.”
Anakin looked at his daughter and then Luke with shock and then anger started creeping into his face. “You shouldn’t have done that! I need to carry out my Master’s bidding or you mother will die!” He said as he sat up and glared at his children.
“Anakin.” Padme interrupted him, putting her right hand on his shoulder, causing him to look at her. “Don’t talk to them like that. They did the right thing.”
Anakin then got up to his feet. “I have to go.” He said as he headed towards the speeder.
Padme also got to her feet as quickly as she could in her condition and tried to follow him. “If you leave now, Anakin, and kill the Jedi. You already lost me.” She said as tears streamed down her face.
Anakin stopped in his tracks and turned around to face his family, who were all looking at him with fear, sadness and worry. He looked directly at Padme and then moved back over to her, putting his hands on her shoulders. “What do you mean, Padme?” He asked her.
“If you leave now…” She said while looking up into his eyes with tears and determination. “…If you turn fully to the Dark Side…I can’t follow you…I wouldn’t know you any more.” She looked down at his boots and swallowed back the tears. She then looked back up into her husband’s fear laden eyes. “I would die…because I lost the man I love to evil. And that is something I could never bear to live knowing.”
Padme bit her bottom lip and then started to cry, throwing herself into Anakin’s arms, laying her head on his chest. He embraced her to him possessively, putting his flesh hand on the back of her head and kissed the top of her head. “Then I won’t turn to the Dark Side.” He told her, kissing the top of her head and laying his head on top of hers. “Shhh.” Anakin said as she trembled and shook, crying into his chest. He stroked the top of her head.
“You mean it?” Luke finally asked. “You won’t turn?”
Anakin looked over Padme’s head at Luke and Leia. “I can’t stand to see your mother in so much anguish.” He kissed her hair again and then continued. “But I’m still scared for her. I don’t know how else to prevent my dream from coming to pass.”
“Maybe staying on the Light Side of the Force is what will prevent your dream from coming to pass.” Leia said to her father with concern, dropping her arms to her side. Padme then also turned to look at her daughter with a look of hope in her eyes. “Maybe doing nothing is all you need to do.”
“I think Leia’s right, Father.” Luke interjected. “You heard Mother. Like she said, she would die if you ever turned to the Dark Side, perhaps that’s why she died in the original history, losing the will to live in her weakened state after she gave Leia and I life.”
Anakin and Padme just stared at their children. It certainly makes a lot of sense. Anakin said to himself as he then looked down at the back of Padme’s head. She was still looking at Luke. “Padme, is that true?” Padme turned around to face him with sadness still in her eyes. “Would you lose the will to live if I turned?”
She stared into Anakin’s eyes for what seemed like an eternity with continued fear and sadness. “Yes, Anakin.” Padme finally said. “I think I probably would. I’ve told you. I could never stand the thought of losing you, especially to the Dark Side. That would be worse than losing you to this war.” She swallowed back her tears and then continued. “At least then, I would know you’d died a good man, serving the Republic, to protect democracy. But if you turned to the Dark Side and followed Palpatine…I couldn’t bear knowing you were alive, but only a shell of the man I love. I wouldn’t know you anymore and that would kill me.”
Anakin started to tear up as he listened to his beloved wife speak to him. When she finished, he looked deeply into her lovely brown eyes. “Then I won’t do it. I couldn’t bear not being with you.” He then pulled her close and they cried in each other’s arms.
Luke and Leia looked on with tears still filling their eyes, but these tears started to turn into ones of happiness. Luke reached over and took his sister’s left hand in his and squeezed it, as they smiled at each other and then back at their parents who were now passionately kissing.
But their moment of happiness and relief didn’t last long when they heard a large explosion echo off of the buildings throughout the city. Anakin and Padme immediately broke their kiss and the entire family moved cautiously over to the window in the direction where the sound of the explosion came from.
They watched in horror as they saw smoke billowing out of the Jedi Temple. “It’s happening.” Anakin said in shock. “Order #66.” They all gasped.
“What are we going to do?” Padme asked with concern as she looked up at her husband with fear. “They’ll come after you once Palpatine finds out you’re not going to follow him anymore and…” She reached down to rub her belly and then turned to look at her adult children with fear. “…and they’ll hunt our children down as well.”
Anakin and the twins looked at each other in horror. “She’s right, Father.” Luke finally said. “We have to get Mother off of Corusant.”
Anakin sighed nervously. “You’re right.” He then looked down at his wife who was now looking back up at him. “Padme, you and Leia get your things around and get on a ship to Naboo. Go to the Lake County Retreat and wait for me there.” He then looked up at Luke. “You go with them.”
All his family looked at him with shock and fear. “And where are you going?” Padme asked him.
“I’m going to the Jedi Temple.” Anakin answered.
“NO!” Padme, Luke and Leia all said in unison.
“You’ll be killed, just like the rest of them.” Padme said as she started to cry again and put her arms around his waist, burying her head in his chest again. “Don’t go. Stay with us.” She said
He looked down at her and kissed her on the forehead again and taking her face in his hands, gently persuading her to look him in the eyes. “I have to, Padme. It’s my fault this is all happening and I have to do what I can to stop this tragedy.”
Padme pulled back and looked up at him puzzled, with his hands still on her shoulders. “How is it your fault?”
“Because I believed him…Palpatine…I thought he could help me save you.” He paused, swallowing hard. “…and because of me…Master Windu, who was just about ready to end Palpatine’s rule by killing him, is dead. Because I stopped him. I-I cut off his hand that held his lightsaber to prevent him from delivering the deadly blow.”
“Anakin, but did you actually kill, Master Windu?” Padme asked him, looking him right in the eyes with concern.
Anakin paused in thought. “Well…I guess…technically not. Palpatine used Force lightening on him, causing him to fall out the window.”
“Then YOU did NOT kill him.” Padme insisted while looking him square in the eyes.
Anakin looked away and then down, dropping his hands to his side. “I might as well say I did.”
Padme put her hands on his arms and shook him, forcing him to look at her. “YOU did NOT kill him, Anakin. Palpatine did.”
They then all heard another explosion from the Temple. And they all looked at each other with fear and then out the window again. “I’ve got to go, Padme. It’s my duty to help my fellow Jedi.”
Padme, of course, knew he was right. Her eyes started to tear up again. “I know.” She said finally.
“Then I must hurry.” He told her as he reached down and passionately kissed her on the lips, then pulled away to look in her eyes. “And so must you. Go to Naboo, Padme.” He said as he then let go of her and rushed to his speeder.
“Not without me!” Luke yelled as he followed him.
Anakin looked at Luke with shock and fear after jumping into the driver’s seat. “No, Luke. This is my mess.”
“We don’t have time to argue.” Luke told him while folding his arms in front of him and standing his ground. “I’m coming with you.”
Anakin sighed. He’s just as stubborn as I am. “Ok. Get in. But I don’t like it.”
“Luke!” Leia shouted to him with concern as Padme reached over and touched her daughter’s arm, taking a hold of it.
“I’ll be fine.” He tried to assure her. “Just help get Mother to safety.”
Luke then climbed into the speeder and sat next to his father. They both then looked back at Padme and Leia who were both crying and holding each other, comforting one another. “I love you both.” Anakin told them. “May the Force be with you. See you on Naboo.”
And without another word, Anakin turned the speeder towards the Jedi Temple, where he and Luke hoped they would still have time to make a difference.
Post by queennaberrie on Feb 21, 2007 22:35:19 GMT -5
Chapter 13
Anakin and Luke arrived at the Jedi Temple and were immediately greeted with laser fire from the clone troops attacking the Temple. Anakin landed the speeder and they both ignited their lightsabers.
Luke deflected laser blasts with his green blade just as Anakin Force jumped out of the speeder, landing behind their attackers, taking them out one by one…his blue saber humming and swirling gracefully. Luke looked over at his father with awe. Wow! That was amazing. He thought to himself as his attention was once again brought back to blocking laser blasts being fired at him.
Anakin quickly glanced over at his son to make sure he was doing ok and smiled to himself as he saw how skilled his son was. But that thought was interrupted quickly as they were assaulted by more laser fire from clones that came running out the Temple and caused father and son to immediately go on the defensive again. They continued to deflect their laser fire and continued to slash and disarm the cloned troops, making their way closer and closer to the main entry.
They finally made it inside and hid behind one of the large columns. Anakin and Luke watched in horror as they saw clones attacking their fellow Jedi, Padawans and younglings struggling to stay alive or hidden from their attackers. Many were already dead and lying on the floor of the temple.
This saddened both men and shocked them into action, taking both the clones and Jedi alike by the surprise as they rushed over to the aid of their fellow Jedi, cutting down and dismembered as many clones as they came in contact with.
The young Jedi, seeing Anakin and Luke coming to their rescue, got a new sense of hope and started fighting back against their attackers more aggressively and courage than when the attack first happened, thinking they were fighting a losing battle.
“Luke, we need to get as many of the Jedi off of Corusant as we can.” Anakin told Luke as soon as they finished fighting the first wave of the clones, and deflected one last laser blast with his saber. “There should be a couple transports in the Temple hanger bay that should be able to accommodate a large number of Jedi. Take these younglings and Padawan’s there and get them onboard. Take them to Tatooine.”
Luke looked at him with shock, just as Anakin turned to run deeper into the Temple. The sounds of laser fire still echoing off of the walls. “Wait! Where are you going?” Luke shouted after his father.
“I’m going to see if I can find any more younglings and Padawans hiding in the Temple!” Anakin shouted back to him. “Get them on the ship! And get off the planet. I’ll meet you there with any other survivors I find.”
“But…” Luke tried to protest. But his father had already disappeared into the darkness. He looked down at the innocent and scared faces of the younglings left in his charge and then realized…he didn’t know where the hanger was. I could ask them. “Can one of you show me were the hanger is?”
“Sure.” One older Padawan boy of about age 10 said. “I’ll show you. This way.” He then waved towards a corridor to their right and started running down a dark hallway. A group of about 15 young Jedi followed him.
Things had started to settle down within the Temple as Anakin started to search the rest of the building. The sound of laser fire had basically ceased, which was an eerie feeling to Anakin as it made him start to doubt whether he was going to find be able to find more survivors. We got here too late. Anakin thought in dread as he continued down a dark corridor. But I must try. They may just be hiding.
Anakin managed to evade some clone troops that he devised, like him, were still walking the halls in search of survivors…but for very different reasons. As he made his way into the higher levels of the Temple, he passed more and more bodies of fallen Jedi, younglings and Padawans. The sight, of which, made him want to be sick.
And to think I would have been a part of this massacre if Luke and Leia hadn’t intervened. He thought to himself as he came across the body of young boy that was not much older than he was when he first came to the Temple. The lifeless brown eyes of the boy were staring back up at him. This sight caused him to pause behind a column and fall against it to try to regain his composure. He covered his face with his hands and then lowering them to his sides again. Laying his head back against the column, he looked up at the ceiling with anguish. He then sighed and then stood back up. I have to continue my search. I just hope Luke was able to get the younglings and Padawans we saved got away safely.
He kept going though the Temple, finding more of the same devastation and managing to evade more of the clone troops by either using a mind trick on them or ducking behind columns as they passed, cloaking his presence from them with the Force.
After pausing behind another column to evade more troopers, Anakin kept going farther and farther up with still no signs of survivors. He was starting to lose home when he finally came to the top level and passed the door to the Jedi Council Chambers. He stopped…hearing what he thought was muffled scared voices of younglings. Oh please don’t let my imagination be playing tricks on me. He entered the room.
Anakin was stunned, and at the same time relieved, to see a room full of younglings who were all huddled behind the chairs of the Council Chambers. One of the younglings, a blue eyed, blonde haired human child of about 8 or 9 recognized Anakin and came out of hiding. He looks like how I’d imagine Luke would look at that age. Anakin thought to himself as his heart went out to all these scared children.
“Master Skywalker, there are too many of them. What are we going to do?” The little boy looked up at him with fear in his eyes.
Anakin smiled down at the youngling, walking up to him, and then knelt down in front of him. He put his hands on the boy’s shoulders to comfort him and looked him right in the eyes. “I’m going to get you out of here.” He told him and then stood up, the boy’s gaze watching him. “Come out from behind there, younglings…and follow me.” He motioned to the others.
The children, about 20 or so, slowly came out from behind the chairs with hopeful but scared expressions on their faces. Some were holding each other, trying to comfort one another, from all the horror that was occurring around them in the Temple. And to think, as Darth Vader, I would have killed all these innocent lives. Anakin thought as a tear started to form in his right eye. “Stay close to me.” Anakin instructed them and he turned towards the door. He waited in the doorway to make sure they all of them were following him as he headed to a turbo lift that would take these younglings hopefully to the safety of a escape transport.
They were almost to the turbo lift, when he heard a squad of clones coming down the hall. “Get behind the columns and stay quiet.” He instructed them as the little boy who had approached him earlier, grabbed Anakin’s left hand in his. Anakin smiled down at the boy and his paternal instincts took over. He bent down and picked the boy up in his arms, then hurried behind the columns with the others. He held the little blonde haired, blue eyed boy close to him in his arms, comforting him. Is this what it will be like to be a father? I want this with Luke and Leia. To comfort them when their scared and protect them.
C-3PO came up behind Padme, who was looking out the apartment window toward the Temple. She had changed into tan pants, brown boots and was now wearing a matching maternity top. She was stroking her swollen belly and tears were flowing down her cheeks. Are they ok? Or are they both lying in the Temple dead. She thought to herself as tears streamed down her cheeks.
“Miss Padme.” 3PO started and Padme turned to her left to look at him. “Miss Leia wants to know if you’re ready to go. She says she has every thing you wanted to take with you packed into the speeder.”
Padme sniffed back some tears. “Yes.” She said as she took one last glance at the Jedi Temple and then followed 3PO to the speeder where Leia was waiting for her.
“I’m sure they’re alright.” Leia tried to assure her as she assisted her mother into the speeder. “Luke and I have a strong bond and I don’t sense that he’s gone. He’s still alive.”
Padme smiled at her daughter as she sat down in the passenger seat next to where Leia had sat in the driver’s seat. “I hope you’re right.” She said as more tears came down her cheeks. She tried to concentrate on the bond that Anakin and she have between with each other and still sensed him alive too. “Anakin and I have a strong bond too…and I don’t sense he’s gone either.” She smiled and told her daughter.
Leia reached over to her mother and embraced her. “They’ll be fine. I know it.” Leia said. “But we won’t if we don’t get out of here.”
Padme backed out of her embrace with her daughter, keeping her hands on her shoulders. “Then let’s get going. I had Captain Typho prepare my Nubian Cruiser. We should be on Naboo in no time.”
Leia then turned to put her hands on the steering wheel and started the speeder. “That is, unless we run into trouble getting off the planet.” Leia said as 3PO stumbled into the backseat. Leia then headed the speeder out into traffic.
Bail Organa noticed the smoke coming from the Jedi Temple and decided to investigate. He was surprised to find the Jedi Temple was on fire as he landed his speeder on the Jedi Temple landing platform. He noticed four clone troopers standing guard at the entrance to the Temple, who lowered their blasters as Bail got out of his speeder and walked towards them. “What's going on here?” Bail asked one of the troopers.
The clone trooper held his blaster in his hands in front of him approached him. “There's been a rebellion. Don't worry, sir, the situation is under control.” He told Senator Organa as the clones prevent him from entering the Temple. “I'm sorry, sir. No one is allowed entry.” And then the clones pointed their blasters at him, cocking them as if they are about to shoot him. “It's time for you to leave, sir.”
Bail backed away from them. “And so it is.” He said as he reluctantly started hack toward his speeder. But then suddenly, he heard several laser blasts. He turned around just in time to see 10 year-old Jedi, fighting the clones with a lightsaber, jumping over them and trying to keep them from attacking the senator.
Several more clones join in the fight, as the commander of the clones pointed to Bail. “Get him! Shoot him!” Bail ran for his speeder and took cover behind it just as they start firing at him. He started the engines as he pulled out his laser pistol, firing back at them.
He then watched in horror as the young Jedi cut down several clones, including the commander, but then was overrun and shot down by the clones. Clinging to the side of his speeder, Bail took off and got away as the clones fired at him. As he’s flying away, he struggled to pull himself into the speeder and then finally climbed in, just as the speeder was about to hit a building. Bail then steered clear of the building and raced away into the night, disappearing into the cityscape.
Utapau System
After killing General Grievous, Obi-Wan headed back to where Commander Cody and the other clones were waiting. The battle between the clones and the droids was still raging on throughout the sinkhole, when Obi-Wan rode up to Commander Cody on the back of the lizard. “Commander, contact your troops. Tell them to move to the higher levels.”
“Very good, sir.” Commander Cody said as he started to turn away. But then he turned back to him with Obi-Wan’s lightsaber in his hand that he’d dropped earlier in his pursuit of General Grievous. “Oh, by the way, I think you'll be needing this.” He said he handed handed it up to Obi-Wan and the lizard reared up on its hind legs.
“Thank you, Cody.” Obi-Wan said as he took it from Cody and smiled at him. “Now let's get a move on. We've got a battle to win here.”
“Yes, sir! Cody said as Obi-Wan and the lizard rode up a hill and went along a ledge lining the wall of the giant sinkhole.
As Obi-Wan rode away, Commander Cody heard a beep from his commlink and took it out. A hologram of Darth Sidious appeared in front of him. “Commander Cody, the time has come. Execute Order 66.”
“It will be done, My Lord.” Cody answered the dark lord as Darth Sidious’ image disappeared. Cody then turned to some clones near him and pointed at the back of Obi-Wan. “Blast him!”
Suddenly laser blasts came from behind Obi-Wan, knocking both he and the lizard off of the wall. He was able to look around just in time to see the cloned troops firing on him. Obi-Wan and the lizard fell hundreds of feet to the bottom of the lake located at the bottom of the sinkhole. He dove below the surface, barely being missed by the laser fire that followed him.
To escape being hit he continued to dive deeper while fumbling with his utility belt for his breathing device. Finding it, he put it in his mouth and continued to swim underwater until the clone troops gave up and stopped firing. Blast! Order 66 must have been issued. Obi-Wan thought as he continued to swim under water. I sure hope Anakin didn’t turn to the Dark Side and everyone is ok.
Post by queennaberrie on Feb 21, 2007 22:36:15 GMT -5
Chapter 14
Jedi Temple
Anakin and the younglings were still crouched behind some columns when the cloned troops arrived in the hallway and stopped. The younglings were trying their best not to make noises despite the fact that many of them were crying. But one of the younglings gasped at the sight of the troopers.
“What was that?” Asked one of the cloned troops, looking around.
“Search the area.” The commander said as they started looking around the area where they’d stopped.
Shh…You all must stay very quiet. Everything will be ok. Just stay calm and stay hidden. Anakin comforted them through the Force, while still holding the child tight in his arms. He stroked child’s blonde hair with his flesh hand, kissing the top of his head, imagining him being Luke as a small child and he was comforting his own son from this madness. Tears began to fill his eyes at the thought.
Upon hearing Anakin’s soothing reassurances and instructions to stay calm and quiet, the younglings did their best to comply. But they were all still scared and, being children, prone to make mistakes.
“There!” One of the troopers yelled as he spotted and turned his blaster one of the younglings who had not been entirely successful in hiding himself. “Come out here!” The trooper yelled at the boy and the brunette, blue-eyed youngling came out from behind the column in complete fear, tears running down his cheeks.
I have to act quickly or all will be lost. Anakin thought to himself as he set the boy he was holding in his arms on the floor. It will be ok. Stay here He told him through the Force. The boy looked at him with fear in his eyes but did as Anakin said and pressed closer to the column they had been hiding behind. Anakin then moved out into the hallway behind the cloned troops. “Why don’t you pick on somebody your own size?” He said as he lit his lightsaber.
That got their attention. All the troopers spun around to look at Anakin, taking all their attention away from the youngling who ran back behind the column he’d been trying to hide behind.
The troopers pointed their weapons at Anakin and were about to fire them when Anakin used a mind trick on them. “We are not the Jedi you are looking for.” He said as he waved his right hand in front of himself.
The cloned troops paused as if in a trance. “These aren’t the Jedi we are looking for.” The commander of the squad said.
Anakin waved his hand in front of him again. “We are free to go.”
“You are free to go.” The commander repeated as the clones continued to stand motionless.
Anakin then turned to where the younglings were hiding. “Come out and head for the turbo lift.” He told them as they came out from behind the columns and headed down the hall. “Come on…hurry.” Anakin continued to encourage them until the last one had gone down the hall.
He then turned back to the hypnotized troops, extinguishing his lightsaber. “You never saw us and will forget we were ever here.” Anakin said as he waved his hand in front of them again.
“Yes, Sir.” They all said in a stupor of compliance.
Anakin smiled, satisfied that the troopers were sufficiently duped for the moment. He then turned and followed the younglings down the hallway and caught up to them just in time for the lift to arrive on their floor and the doors opened. “Come on. Everyone on the lift…hurry.” He whispered to them as all 20 younglings and Anakin squeezed into the rather large-sized lift. Anakin then pushed the button for the floor that housed the main hanger.
On the way down, the lights flickered, for a moment, as the sound of another explosion shook the building. All the younglings gasped and started to cling to each other and Anakin. The lift then came to a complete, abrupt stop, causing some of the younglings to lose their balance and fall to the floor. The younglings started to scream in terror as the lights flickered again and then it became pitch black.
In the dark, Anakin could hear all the younglings start bawling as he tried frantically to think of what to do next. “Shh. It will be ok, younglings. We’ll get out of here soon.” I hope. Oh please Force, let us get out of this mess. Anakin said in a silent prayer to himself.
And then…almost as abruptly as they went off, the lights flickered back on in a large electrical wave of sound and the lift, too, resumed its previous course. Anakin looked up at the lights in relief as they continued their decent to the hanger.
But then Anakin started to get this nagging feeling that he needs to do something to ensure their escape and preserve all of their lives once they do get away. He contemplated for a moment as to what he could to do and then finally came to a conclusion. I need to buy us some time for everyone to reach safety, even if it means acting like I’m still following Palpatine to buy the precious time needed. And if Palpatine suspects anything, we’re all done for. But how am I going to do that when I need to get these younglings off Corusant? He’ll certainly know something is wrong.
The lift finally reached its destination and the doors opened onto the hanger. “Follow me. We have to get to a ship. Over there.” Anakin said as he pointed towards a nearby transport after they all emerged from the lift.
He then heard the sound of doors opening on the far side of the hanger but was relieved and shocked when he noticed it was Luke and the 15 younglings and Padawans they saved earlier that had come running through the door. “Luke!” Anakin shouted to him.
Luke, upon hearing his father’s voice calling his name, paused to look around to see where it was coming from. His eyes finally rested on Anakin and the 20 younglings he had found, causing him to smile and wave at him. He was happy to see his father alive and with younglings in tow. “Fa-Anakin!” Luke yelled, remembering he had an audience so he needed to use his father’s name. He then approached Anakin with the younglings not far behind.
“I’m glad you all made it here ok.” Anakin said to his son with a smile on his face as they embraced. Then they backed out of each other’s arms, with Anakin looking directly in Luke’s eyes. “What happened? I thought you would be gone by now.”
Luke looked back into his father’s eyes. “So did I, but we ran into some Imperial trouble.” Luke said with a half smirk. “How about you?”
“The same.” Anakin said with a slight smirk back at his son. “But we can’t stand around here wondering what happened to one another. We need to get these younglings out of here.” He said as he started to head towards one of the transports and entered his code to extend the ramp. He then turned to the younglings, addressing especially the ones he had rescued from the Council Chambers. “This is Luke. He’s going to take you to safety. Now get on board, young ones.” He told them as he and Luke coaxed them onboard, trying to comfort the younglings as they went up the ramp and each found a place to sit on the ship.
Once they were all on board, Luke started up the ramp but then Anakin reached out and touched his arm. “Luke. There’s something I need to do. You take the younglings to Tatooine yourself and I’ll join you as soon as I can.”
Luke looked at his father with disbelief and concern. “What do you mean you have something to do?” He asked with concern and curiosity just as another explosion shook the building, sending debris from the ceiling to the floor. Both men watch in horror as a large piece of the ceiling crashing to the floor with in a few meters of them, causing them to jump.
Then Anakin turned back to Luke, walking up to him and grabbing both of Luke’s arms. “I need to buy us some time to escape.” Anakin paused. “Just get the younglings off of Corusant and don’t worry about me.” Anakin then turned and started towards the lift again.
“Father, come with us. I can’t lose you again.” Luke yelled after him and tried to follow him.
Anakin turned to look at his son as Luke caught up with him. “Luke, I have to do this or all will be lost.” Anakin swallowed hard and then took a deep breath, putting his hands on his son’s arms again as if to assure him everything will be ok. “Just promise me you will get the younglings to safety and get in touch with your mother and sister on Naboo.” Anakin sighed, looking directly into his son’s eyes. “And no matter what you hear…know that I am NOT turning to the Dark Side.”
“What do you mean by that?” Luke asked with concern.
Anakin looked away and then looked directly back into Luke’s eyes. “Please, Luke. Don’t make this any more difficult than it is.” He paused, looking away again. “I must at least pretend I am doing my master’s bidding or he will know I’ve betrayed him.”
“What!” Luke exclaimed. “What are you planning to do?”
“Just have faith in me, Luke.” Anakin said as he released his grip on his son’s arms, with Luke reaching out to him, and quickly made his way towards the lift. “We’ll be together soon again. I promise.” Anakin said as he entered the lift and pushed a button, closing the doors.
Luke dropped his hands to his sides and stood in momentary silence, not knowing what to do. I can’t lose my father again. But I have a duty to protect these younglings I hope you know what you’re doing, Father. He then sighed and turned back towards the ship, just as the building shook again, causing him to jump out the way just in time for more debris, slamming to the floor. Luke then ran to the transport and up the ramp. He passed all the younglings who were buckled into what seats were available and the rest huddled in a corner, comforting each other.
“Where are we going?” One female youngling with black hair asked him.
“To Tatooine.” Luke answered her with a half smile. “We’ll be safe there.” Well as long as the Hutts don’t find out about us. Luke then turned and headed for the cockpit where he powered up the ship, taking it out of the hanger while avoiding more falling debris. He then flew the ship high into the sky until he reached and exited the atmosphere, heading out into space. Surprisingly, he met no resistance. I wonder why we didn’t meet any resistance escaping the plant. Odd.
But then he also noticed a small Nubian cruiser also exiting the atmosphere and turned on the comm. Maybe that’s mother and Leia. But then he turned the comm off again. He desperately wanted to know but didn’t want to risk bringing attention to them both as they made their escape. If the commwaves were being monitored, then we would be tracked and captured for sure. So, instead, he continued to program his course for Tatooine and watched as the Nubian cruiser entered hyperspace just ahead of him going in the same direction he was heading. It must be them. Naboo is near Tatooine. Luke thought to himself with a smile.
Utapau System
Obi-Wan swam up to the surface after swimming into a cave off from the main lake in the center of the sink hole. He removed his breathing apparatus as he began to climb the stone wall and continued climbing until he noticed the two little seeker drones, that he had been trying to avoid, came out of the water with their searchlights scanning the cave.
Obi-Wan pressed himself against the stone wall just out of sight as the seekers continue their search for him. And one of the seekers started to enter the cave where Obi-Wan was hiding, causing him to press closer to the wall. But something caught the droids eye and it went the other way.
Obi-Wan let out a sigh of relief and continued his assent into the caverns until he came to the landing platform where he’d killed General Grievous. He than ran to the waiting Starfighter that he had remembered seeing there and climbed into the one-man ship. After closing the canopy, he started the engines and took off into space.
Once he made it far enough away, he decided to send a coded signal to see if he could find any other survivors. He activated comlink, speaking into it. “Emergency Code Nine Thirteen. I have no contact on any frequency. Are there any Jedi out there?… anywhere …
Obi-Wan waited in momentary dread when his transmission was only greeted with a burst of static…But then to his surprise a fuzzy hologram appeared in front of him. He couldn’t quite make it out who it was, so he tried to boost the signal.
“Kenobi…” He heard the hologram finally say in a jumbled voice.
Obi-Wan continued to work on the controls. “I've locked on. Repeat.”
The fuzzy hologram finally came into focus before him. Bail Organa. Thank the Force. Obi-Wan thought to himself.
“Master Kenobi?” Bail asked with relief.
“Senator Organa! My Clone Troops turned on me ... I need help.” Obi-Wan told him.
Bail looked at Obi-Wan with concern. “We have just rescued Master Yoda. It appears this ambush has happened everywhere. We're sending you our coordinates.” Obi-wan nodded and accepted the coordinates.
A short time later, Obi-Wan docked his ship with Bail Organa's Starcruiser and climbed out of the cockpit. He was greeted by one of Senator Organa’s men and was directed to a door off to the side that he was told leads to the main corridor. When he reached the door, it slid open, allowing Obi-Wan to step through. He was then greeted by Yoda and Bail Organa and they started to walk together down the hallway.
”You made it.” Bail said with a smile and with as much enthusiasm as he could under the circumstances.
Yoda also had a sad smile on his face. “Master Kenobi, dark times are these. Good to see you it is.”
Obi-Wan turned to Yoda with concern. “You were attacked by your Clones, also?”
“With the help of the Wookiees, barely escape, I did.” Yoda told him while looking up at the younger Jedi and walking along with his gimer stick.
Obi-Wan continued to look down at the little Jedi Master. “How many other Jedi managed to survive?”
This caused Yoda to stop walking and they all stopped to face one another. “Heard from no one, have we.” Yoda said looking up at Obi-Wan with sadness in his eyes and in his spirit.
“I saw thousands of troops attack the Jedi Temple.” Bail interjected as they turned to look at Obi-Wan. “That's why I went looking for Yoda.”
“Have we had any contact from the Temple?” Obi-Wan asked, hoping that perhaps Anakin hadn’t followed the original history and turned to the dark side; or worse that he was dead, lying on the Temple floor somewhere. Although, I’d almost rather know he died a Jedi, than know he’d turned to the Dark Side.
“Received a coded retreat message, we have. “ Yoda answered him, bringing Obi-Wan out of his reverie.
“It requests all Jedi to return to the Temple. It says that the war is over…” Bail explained to Obi-Wan.
Obi-Wan crossed his arms in front of him and began stroking his beard with a concerned look on his face. “Well, then we must go back! If there are other stragglers, they will fall into the trap and be killed.”
Bail looked at him with shock. “It's too dangerous to return.”
Yoda on the other hand looked up at Obi-Wan with understanding. “Suggest dismantling the coded signal, do you?”
“Yes, Master. There is too much at stake here, and we need a clearer picture of what has happened.” Obi-Wan responded. Oh Anakin, Luke and Leia. I hope you’re all ok.
“I agree. In a dark place we find ourselves…a little more knowledge might light our way.” Yoda suggested looking at both men who nodded in agreement.
Obi-Wan looked away with sadness and worry in his eyes. Yes. Like whether or not Anakin still turned to the Dark Side. I can’t lose him that way. He’s like family.
Post by queennaberrie on Feb 21, 2007 22:37:06 GMT -5
Chapter 15
Mustafar Main Control Center
All the separatist were gathered at Mustafar, as they had been instructed by General Grievous, and awaiting information on their next move when a holographic image of Darth Sidous appeared in the center of the room.
Nute Gunray and the rest of the Separatist Coalition waited in anticipation as Nute Gunray addressed the dark lord. “The plan has gone as you had promised, My Lord.”
Darth Sidious sneared under his dark hood. “You have done well, Viceroy. When my new apprentice, Darth Vader, arrives…he will take care of you.” And then his hologram disappeared.
On Route to Corusant
An Alderaanean cruiser approached Corusant with Obi-Wan, Bail, Yoda, and two pilots sitting in the cockpit. One of the pilots turned to the passengers. “We are receiving a message from the Chancellor's office, sir. “
Everyone looked at each other with concern. “Send it through.” Bail instructed.
”Yes, sir.“ The pilot said and then pushed some buttons until an image of Mas Amedda, Chairman of the Galactic Senate, appeared on the screen in front of them. “Senator Organa…the Supreme Chancellor of the Republic requests your presence at a special session of Congress. “
Everyone looked at each other with suspicion written all over their faces. “Tell the Chancellor I will be there.” Bail answered him.
“Very well.” Mas Amedda answered. “He will be expecting you.” And then his image disappeared from the screen.
Bail looked back at the Jedi sitting in the cockpit with concern. “It could be a trap.”
Obi-Wan crossed his arms in front of him and started stroking his beard. “No, I don't think so. The Chancellor will not be able to control the thousands of star systems without keeping the Senate intact.”
"If a special session of Congress there is, easier for us to enter the Jedi Temple it will be.” Yoda added and everyone nodded in agreement as they continued to enter the atmosphere of the planet and headed for the Senate building. Once they landed senator and Jedi went their separate ways.
Anakin headed towards the surface of Mustafar in his Jedi fighter. He flew over various volcanoes and lava flows until he came to the mining complexes landing platform and set his Jedi fighter down. He opened the cockpit just as R2-D2 popped from his compartment on the ship with a happy beep.
Anakin climbed out of the ship and started towards the entrance of the complex with his dark cape flowing behind him. But then he noticed that R2 was following him and turned his head back to talk to the droid. “Artoo…stay with the ship.”
R2 let out a sad little beep, but reluctantly followed Anakin’s instructions, moving back toward the ship.
Anakin put his hood on and headed up the walkway to the main control center. He entered the doorway and then paused for a moment before continuing, taking a deep breath. I can do this. He then continued down the hall towards the main control center within the complex and appeared in the doorway, with little roller droids scattering as he approached, bringing the attention of the Separatist leaders to him.
Nute Gunray turned to him and smiled. “Welcome, Lord Vader. We've been expecting you.”
Everyone in the room looked at Anakin in confusion as he raised his hand toward the control panel, and all the exits closed, trapping everyone inside. The confused Separatists looked around with bewilderment and then back at Anakin with puzzlement.
Jedi Temple
Obi-Wan and Yoda arrive at the Temple to see smoke still coming from the building. About a dozen cloned troopers were still standing guard at the entrance and the two Jedi quickly reacted, taking out their lightsabers and igniting them. They rush the cloned troopers and in a flash, left all of the Clone Troopers are dead on the floor. Yoda and Obi-Wan stood in the middle of the carnage and then extinguished their lightsabers.
Yoda looked at Obi-Wan with concern and determination. “Dismantle the coded signal quickly, we must.”
Obi-Wan nodded and then both entered the Temple.
Senate Building
The Chancellor stands up to the podium in the center of Senate arena to give his speech. Although, his head is covered with a dark hood. Mas Amedda stood to his right.
Bail Organa walked through the hallway of the Main Senate Chamber and entered the Senate Pod for Naboo and sat down next to Jar Jar, Captain Typho and two of Senator Amidala’s handmaidens, one, of which, he had to do a double take because she looked so much like Senator Amidala. She was dressed in one of Senator Amidala’s gowns and trying to act as much like her as possible. He looked over at her with puzzlement and then leaned towards Captain Typho. “Where is Senator Amidala?” He asked him.
Captain Typho looked over at Senator Organa with a start. “Why she’s right here, Senator.” He paused, giving him a look that told him not to pry further. “Do you get my meaning?”
Bail looked over at the handmaiden again. “Senator Organa, it’s good to see you.” The handmaiden answered him in the famous Amidala Senator voice.
Bail gave Captain Typho a confused look. She must have fled the capital. “Yes, I get your meaning.” And then he turned his attention back to Palpatine’s speech.
“…and the Jedi Rebellion has been foiled.” Palpatine was continuing when Bail leaned over to talk to Captain Typho and the handmaiden again.
“I was held up. What's happening?” Bail asked.
“The Chancellor has been elaborating on a plot by the Jedi, to overthrow the Senate.” Captain Typho answered him.
Bail looked at him with surprise. “That's not true!”
“He's been presenting evidence all afternoon.” The handmaiden answered him.
“And the Senate will go along with it, just like they always do.” Bail said as he got a look of despair on his face.
“The remaining Jedi will be hunted down and defeated.” Palpatine continued as applause filled the arena. “Any collaborators will suffer the same fate.” He said as more applause erupted from the crowd. “These have been trying times, but we have passed the test.”
Jedi Temple
Obi-Wan and Yoda made their way through the temple and came across the bodies of some padawans and younglings. “Not even the younglings survived.” Obi-Wan said while looking around with despair. Oh Anakin. I hope you weren’t a part of this.
“Definitely killed by clones, these padawans where.” Yoda said as he surveyed the bodies.
“How could anyone be so heartless?” Obi-Wan replied while kneeling down next to some of the bodies to examine them. He then looked over at Yoda.
“Sith don’t care about others, just themselves and power.” Yoda answered him with sadness and then turned to Obi-Wan. “The coded signal deactivate we must or any survivors face the same fate they will.” Yoda responded and then they headed off for the main computer room of the Temple.
Anakin ignited his lightsaber, causing the Separatists and the droids to panic. The droids at the controls and the droid guards grabbed their weapons in hopes of retaliating, but it was too late and they were cut down by Anakin’s lightsaber before they could react.
Many of the Separatists scrambled to the doors and started banging on them in dire need to escape, while Nute and another Separatist hid under a table. Anakin continued to dismember all of the droids, swinging his lightsaber around like a madman until all of them were lying motionless on the floor. He then came to a complete stop and reached out with his senses, looking around the room.
Everything became silent as the Separatists by the doors stopping their banging to turn around to face their fate. All that could be heard in the room was the hum of Anakin’s lightsaber as he continued to slowly walk around the room, using the Force to guide him.
Sensing that there was someone under the table, Anakin walked towards it and looked under it to see a frightened Nute Gunray and companion, with looks of terror on their faces. It took all his will power not to laugh at the sight of them. “Please, Lord Vader. What did we do to disappoint Lord Sidious? Why are you doing this to us?”
“You did nothing to disappoint Lord Sidious.” Anakin answered him as coolly as possible. “He just wants you dead because you are of no use for him any more and have become a great threat to his new Empire.”
Nute Gunray, who was pretty much in a kneeling position under the table already, looked at Anakin in shock and fear and then bent his head down to the floor with his arms out in front of him. His companion did the same. “Oh please, Lord Vader. Show us mercy.”
This is going to be fun toying with them for awhile. Anakin thought to himself, trying to repress a smile. “We shall see, but that is not what my Master instructed me to do.” Anakin said with what he hoped looked like an evil smirk, causing the two Separatists to shake with fear.
But then he sensed one of the Separatists trying to sneak up behind him. “If you want to live to see another day, I suggest that you back away from me.” He then turned his head around and gave the Separatist, who was sneaking up on him, the evil eye. The Separatist’s eyes became big as saucers and he lowered his hands from over his head, which held a piece of durasteel pipe. “Drop it.” Anakin said while pointing his lightsaber at him and the Separatist complied, dropping the pipe to the floor. “Over there.” He told him, motioning in the direction of the others with his lightsaber. The Separatist, almost tripping over himself, ran over to huddle with the others.
Anakin then looked at all of them as steely-eyed as he possibly could. “Don’t anyone else try to become a hero, unless you all want to end up like your droids.” He told them with authority. They all nervously shook their heads in agreement while Anakin smirked to himself behind his hood.
Anakin then tried to regain a straight face when he bent back down and looked under the table. “Now where were we when we were so rudely interrupted?” Anakin paused, looking at them slyly. “Ah…yes. You were begging for your lives.” He then stood back up and pointed his lightsaber at them. “Would you and your companion be so kind as to join me out here please.” He commanded them.
Nute and his companion, with looks of fear on their faces, slowly moved out from under the table with their hands up, practically stumbling over one another.
“Over there with the rest of them.” Anakin commanded and they quickly complied with their arms still up.
Anakin walked closer to them with his lightsaber still ignited when Nute Gunray stepped forward. “The war is over. Lord Sidious promised us peace ... we only want…”
“Quiet!” Anakin cut him off. “Move back with the others.” He told him and Nute backed up against the wall with the others again. Now that I’ve captured them, now what do I do with them? Anakin asked himself as he continued to pace back and forth in front of them like a caged animal, for effect, of course, to keep them all on edge, thinking he could kill them at any moment.
Senate Building
“The attempt on my life has left me scarred and deformed, but I assure you my resolve has never been stronger.” Palpatine said with an evil grin on his face and the audience erupted into applause. “The war is over.” He said as more applause came from the crowd. “The Separatists have been defeated, and the Jedi rebellion has been foiled. We stand on the threshold of a new beginning.” Palpatine paused as the crowd erupted into an even louder and longer applause.
“Well, this is where we find out whether or not he intends to return the Republic back to being democracy.” Bail whispered to his companions.
“In order to ensure our security and continuing stability,” Palpatine continued. “…the Republic will be reorganized into the first Galactic Empire, for a safe and secure society which I assure you will last for ten thousand years.”
There was a loud, sustaining roar from the Senate as Bail and the others sat dumbfounded at Palpatine’s declaration.
Palpatine continued. “An empire that will continue to be ruled by this august body, and a sovereign ruler chosen for life. An empire ruled by the majority…Ruled by a new constitution…” He finishes as the crowd erupts into a wild applause.
“So this is how liberty dies,” Bail said while looking around. “…with thunderous applause…” He then turned to the others. “We cannot let this happen.” He said as he started to stand up but Captain Typho stopped him.
“Not now! There will be a time.” Captain Typho said. “And I know Senator Amidala would agree.”
Jedi Temple – Computer Room
Obi-Wan and Yoda stood in the large computer area of the Main Control Center. Yoda looked on as Obi-Wan was working on the controls. Obi-Wan finished what he was doing and closed the door to the control box. “I've recalibrated the code warning all surviving Jedi to stay away.” He told Yoda.
Yoda looked back at him. “Good…For the Clones to discover the recalibration, a long time it will take. To change it back, longer still. Hurry…” Yoda instructed him, heading for the exit.
But as they passed through the security room, Obi-Wan got this overwhelming urge to find out what really happened. Did Anakin turn to the Dark Side like Luke and Leia said he would. “Wait, Master.” Obi-Wan said as Yoda paused and turned to look at him. “There is something I must know…”
“If into the security recordings you go, only pain will you find.” Yoda warned him with concern and sadness on his face.
Obi-Wan looked back at Yoda with concern. “I must know the truth, Master.”
Obi-Wan moved a panel and flipped some switches. A hologram of younglings and padawans being attacked and slaughtered by clones come up on the screen, causing both Jedi to react with mortification. Obi-Wan then tried forwarding the images to find any sign of Anakin and then paused. “That’s odd.” He said looking at Yoda. “Some of the images have been erased.”
Yoda looked at him with surprised. “Hiding their crimes someone is perhaps.” Yoda contemplated.
“I don’t know.” Obi-Wan responded and then continued to forward through the images, trying to find any glimpse of Anakin. And then he found one, one he hoped he’d never find. “It can't be…” He swallowed hard, shaking his head in disbelief. “It can't be…” Obi-Wan said with despair as they both looked at an image of Anakin and Darth Sidious.
They watch in horror as the security image showed Anakin surveying the carnage, as Darth Sidious, in dark robes, entered the room. Anakin, upon seeing his master enter the room, kneeled and bowed his head in front of him. “The traitors have been taken care of, Lord Sidious.” Anakin told the Sith Lord.
Darth Sidious looked down at his apprentice. “Good…good…” He said as Anakin looked up at him. “You have done well, my new apprentice. Do you feel your power growing?”
“Yes, My Master.” Anakin answered him, bowing his head again.
“Now, Lord Vader, now go and bring peace to the Empire.” Sidious instructed him.
Anakin rose to his feet. “Yes, Master. I will go to Mustafar and take care of the Separatists as you instructed.” He told him as he headed for the door.
Obi-Wan continued to watch in horror and tears started to form in his eyes. “I can't watch any more.” He told Yoda as he switched off the hologram. Anakin, what have you done?
They both stood in silence for what seemed to be an eternity until Yoda finally spoke. “Destroy the Sith, we must.”
Obi-Wan looked at Yoda with grief. “Send me to kill the Emperor. I will not kill Anakin.
“To fight this Lord Sidious, strong enough, you are not.” Yoda answered him.
“He is like my brother...I cannot do it.” Obi-Wan said as he choked on his own words.
Yoda started towards the door, walking along with his gimer stick and then turned back to look at Obi-Wan with sadness in his eyes. “Twisted by the dark side, young Skywalker has become. The boy you trained, gone he is…Consumed by Darth Vader.”
“How could it have come to this? Especially after we were all warned about Palpatine by Luke and Leia?”
“To question, no time there is.” Yoda answered him. “To Mustafar you must go.”
“I can’t do it, Master Yoda. I just can’t.” Obi-Wan told him.
“Use your feelings, Obi-Wan, you know you must. Visit the new Emperor, my task is. May the Force be with you.” Yoda said as he continued out of the room.
“May the Force be with you, Master Yoda.” Obi-Wan said with a bow. Oh Anakin. I’ve failed you again. He thought to himself while rubbing his right hand over his face.