Post by sexystarwarslover on Aug 8, 2008 4:54:03 GMT -5
“Acting Out”
Season 2 Episode 13
Anakin: Will
Padme: Grace
Obi Wan: Jack
Sabe: Karen
Tru: Josh
Sache: assistant
Jack-Public Relations assistant
1 note that near the end, if you’ve seen the episode, the setting changes to four different places at in the one scene and I’ve written the setting above each place.
When a popular advertising holo net show advertised that the week’s episode will feature a man on man kiss, Obi Wan is too excited and has Anakin and Padme dragged into the drama. However just as the two men on the show kiss, the camera moves away and Obi Wan is outraged. He decides to put a stop to this. Padme finds that her relationship with Tru is slowly coming to the point where she wants to end it and seeks Sabe’s advice. Anakin decides to join Obi Wan to fight the station who lied about the man on man kiss. This all leads to one very public display and Anakin, Obi Wan, Padme and Sabe will all be shocked by the outcome!
Story: Courscant streets
It is a cool fine day on Courscant and Anakin and Padme are returning from the store. While Anakin tried to open a bag of cookies, Padme starts to explain her relationship with Tru and how he is different but she doesn’t mind.
Padme: “Tru is really great. He’s sweet, he’s kind. He’s very in tune with my body, although a little too fond of the gentle forehead kiss” she started, “Like being kissed by my grandmother, except Tru doesn’t have a moustache” she added, “But still, he’s solid B, B+” she finished as Anakin vented his frustration
Anakin: “Why do they seal these things for?” he asked, “Who are they trying to keep them from. Cookies should be easily accessible” he told her as Padme stared in shock,
Padme: “Hey, we’re talking about my cookies here” she explained as Anakin re assured her,
Anakin: “I’m listening” he replied, “Will you just grab a hold of that end for me?” he asked as she helped him open the bag, as he seemed relieved, “Oh thank you, I’ve been dying for a milano since 63rd street” he told her as he reached for one when the bag was suddenly ripped from him,
Obi Wan: “I don’t think so!” he exclaimed riding by on his bike as Anakin became annoyed,
Anakin: “Hey!” he called out, “Obi Wan” he added in frustration as Padme and him ran up to catch up to him,
Obi Wan: “Why eat them?” he asked “Why don’t you just apply them directly to your man tits?” he asked as Padme spoke,
Padme: “Will you give him a break?” she asked, “He’s skinny, just let him eat his cookies” she informed him as Obi Wan cut her off,
Obi Wan: “Hey, hetro skinny is very different to homo skinny” he explained, “You’re not in the club, you wouldn’t understand” he added as Anakin tried to get them off him, but he threw him in the bin
Anakin: “Don’t” he started seeing them go in as he sighed, and reached for another bag of snack, “Open these” he told Padme as Obi Wan changed the subject,
Obi Wan: “What are you guys doing tonight?” he asked as Padme replied first,
Padme: “Tru and I are going to the movies” as he snapped back
Obi Wan: “Wrong. Anakin, you?” he asked him,
Anakin: “I was going to go to the gym” he started before he cut him off,
Obi Wan: “Wrong” stopping the bike, “What is the matter with you people?” he asked as they looked at him confused by what he meant, so he went on, “Anakin, tonight, you’re making dinner and the three of us will be parked in front of your TV to watch our new favourite show ‘Along Came You’” he explained as Padme seemed even more confused,
Padme: “And why is that our favourite show?’ she asked as Obi Wan seemed shocked,
Obi Wan: “Because tonight Adam and Jared are going to kiss, only the first ever gay kiss on prime time television” he told them as Anakin asked,
Anakin: “That’s on tonight?” as Obi Wan started to ride again,
Obi Wan: “Uh, yeah, its in TV guide” he scoffed, “Don’t you read?” he asked as Padme tried to warn him,
Padme: “Brake” she told him as he thought she said something about tonight,
Obi Wan: “I know I’m excited too” he called back as she tried to warn him once more,
Padme: “No, I mean watch out for……” she stopped as they watched him crash,
Anakin: “Oh” he noted as Padme finished her sentence,
Padme: “Grate” watching where the crash happened as Anakin laughed, pointing out,
Anakin: “Ha, look. First ever kiss between a gay man and 81st street” as Padme started to laugh while Obi Wan didn’t find it funny,
Obi Wan: “Not funny!” he called back as Anakin begged to disagree,
Anakin: “Oh, that’s funny. That was funny” he laughed moving on with Padme.
Story: Anakin’s apartment
Having just had dinner, Obi Wan and Padme were waiting for Anakin to join them on front of the TV with the popcorn,
Obi Wan: “Come on, Anakin. Hurry up, you’re going to miss it” he ushered him over
Anakin: “Okay” he replied, picking up his pace before he took his seat next to Padme and Obi Wan turned up the volume on the TV,
Girl on Holo Net show: “You guys sure you don’t want to join me for lunch?” she asked while Obi Wan smirked,
Obi Wan: “No, they don’t” he spoke turning to Padme and Anakin, “How come women never know when they’re not wanted?” he asked as Padme only glared at him
Padme: “If that remark was meant for me, I’m going……” she started before she silenced by Obi Wan,
Obi Wan: “Shhh! You going to talk through the whole show?” he asked before turning back to the television,
Guys on Holo Net Show: “Wow, so its just us?” one asked as the other replied, “Yeah, we’re finally alone” as the other spoke, “Yeah, don’t move. You have an eyelash” he noted while Anakin scoffed,
Anakin: “Oh please, that’s the oldest line in the book” he spoke out as Obi Wan replied back in a low voice,
Obi Wan: “I’ve used it” he informed them as Padme smirked,
Padme: “Me too” as Obi Wan became even more excited
Obi Wan: “He’s moving in!” he exclaimed going on, “Oh my god, its going to happen!” he exclaimed, “Oh my god, do you understand this bigger than the moon landing?” he asked as Anakin laughed,
Anakin: “One giant step for man on man kind” he spoke as Padme smirked even more,
Padme: “Here it comes” she told them as Obi Wan added,
Obi Wan: “Oh, lets’ hold hands” he told them, grabbing Padme’s hand as Anakin took Padme’s,
Guys on Television: “I think I’m about to kiss you.” One spoke as the other replied, “I think I’m about to be kissed” making Padme comment,
Padme: “Gay sex is so hot!” she exclaimed prompting Obi Wan and Anakin to exchanged glances with her, as she went on, “This is it, this is it!” she exclaimed, “This is not it! Where is the camera going? Why are we looking at a fireplace?” she asked as Obi Wan jumped to his feet,
Obi Wan: “Get of the flames and follow the flamers!” he shouted at the TV as Padme gasped in shock,
Padme: “Oh come on!” she exclaimed, “They didn’t show us anything!” she complained as Obi Wan agreed,
Obi Wan: “I don’t believe this” he told them as Anakin rose to his feet moving into the kitchen,
Anakin: “Oh come on Obi Wan, what did you expect?” he asked him as Obi Wan followed him venting out his anger,
Obi Wan: “I expected a kiss!” he shouted, “I’ve been preparing for the kiss. I was on a juice fast for 72 hours preparing for the kiss!” he went on, “This is a crime against humanity!” he announced, slamming his hand down on the bench,
Anakin: “Obi Wan, two guys didn’t kiss on a sitcom. I don’t think that calls for ………….. jury” he tried to explain to him as Obi Wan shot back,
Obi Wan: “You know what? Don’t fool your knowledge of current events at me” he pointed out as Padme sniggered, “The network promised we were going to see some guy guy lip lock action!” he exclaimed
Padme: “You know for a guy who has his own gay porn collection that requires its own storage facility” she pointed out as they turned to look at her, “You seem pretty upset about one kiss” she added as Obi Wan turned to her,
Obi Wan: waving his hands before her: “Missing the point darling” he replied moving towards her, “By doing this, they are sending a message that the way I live my life is offensive” he informed her as Anakin sighed, moving over to them with his drink
Anakin: “Obi Wan, the way you live your life is offensive” he noted, “But they should have shown them kissing” he agreed.
Story-Padme’s office
Sabe was sitting quietly at her desk in Padme’s office reading her magazine when the door opened and in strolled Padme and her boyfriend Tru. Sabe’s eyes glared over at Tru. She didn’t like him much and thought Padme would be better off without him and now had to listened to Padme and Tru’s conversation,
Tru: helping Padme out of her coat, “I had a really good time” he smiled, “I’m glad we could meet for lunch” he informed her before asking “Hey, did you get the natural herb pillow I left with your doorman?” he asked as Padme simply smiled,
Padme: “I did, yeah thank you” she replied as he went on,
Tru: “Its filled with tea” he explained, “The lady at the store said its very soothing” he continued moving over to hang up Padme’s coat as Sabe rolled her eyes, “Particular if your cramping in mensaries” he finished as Padme blushed,
Padme: “I had a really nice time” she simply replied, moving to embrace him, “Don’t say mensaries” she pointed out as he started to move over to the door,
Tru: “Bye, call me later” he informed her as Padme smiled,
Padme: “I will” she promised watching him leave as Sabe refused to look up until she had heard the door closing,
Sabe: “He should be killed” she pointed out right after the door closed,
Padme: who seemed shocked to hear her talking about Tru: “He happens to be the sweetest, most thoughtful, most sensitive guy I have ever gone out with” she snapped back, “I think he’s great” she added as Sabe only scoffed,
Sabe: looking around for her bag: “He makes me want to bark. I want to kick him till he’s dead honey” she pointed out but Padme wouldn’t have any more,
Padme: “Sabe, no. I’ve just gotten out of a string of really bad boyfriends” she replied, going on, “Adam, closest thing to a compliment was if you lost a little weight in the ass, you looked pretty good. Alex, who thought things could be improved by bringing another woman into the relationship. Stone Jeff, who loved his bong more than me. Tru is the first guy in a long time, who treats me like a goddess” she explained but Sabe hadn’t been listening,
Sabe: who had not been listening and busy pulling out some of her pills only laughed, “Bye, bye Tru!” she exclaimed swallowing another pill as Padme continued to gather her work,
Padme: “He is sensitive and caring” she explained to her as Sabe only laughed more,
Sabe: “Thank you for playing” she replied as Padme moved towards her,
Padme: “He truly loves and understands women” she told her but Sabe wasn’t taking in a word she was saying,
Sabe: “Don’t let the door hit Padme’s big ass on the way out!” she exclaimed as Padme simply stared at her,
Padme: “Hey, valley of the dolls!” she exclaimed as she looked up at her, “Tru is one in a million” she told her moving away to her desk, “He is sweet and kind and attentive” before she sighed, “It’ll be gone by the weekend!” she called over her shoulder before she disappeared into the back room.
Setting: Anakin’s office
Obi Wan is sitting in his friend’s chair, still attempting to fight the network over the removal of the gay kiss on the show, he leaned over to the phone once more,
Obi Wan: “Yes, I’d like to speak to the president of NBC, please?” he asked, “This is Obi Wan Kenobi. How long will he be in the meeting?” he inquired before adding, “Alright, fine ill call back later” he told them hanging up, and re dialling once more,
Obi Wan: “Hi, I’d like to speak to the president of NBC please?” he asked once again, “Its Rabe Leangles” he lied, before scoffing, “I have a cold” he told them before the line went silent, “Hello? Hello?” he asked just as Anakin had entered his office and discovered him sitting at his desk,
Anakin: looking to the side, he smirks, “How do you stop unwanted homosexuals from invading your office?” he asks as Obi Wan made a small laugh before moving around to Anakin,
Obi Wan: “Come on, we’re going down to the network” he informed him, “Chop, chop” he snapped as Anakin only seemed surprised,
Anakin: “You still on that?” he asked, “Wow, thought that would go away like your under representation of gay animals at the zoo?” he reminded him as Obi Wan only snapped back,
Obi Wan: moving closer to Anakin’s desk: “They brought in a family of fruit bats. Coincidence? I don’t think so” before he added, “So, lets’ go” moving over to the door as Anakin wouldn’t move
Anakin: “Obi Wan, I’m not going anywhere. I have to work so you can eat” he reminded him, reaching over for his comm., “You’re wasting your time” he added as Obi Wan couldn’t believe what he was hearing,
Obi Wan: “I’m outrage by this! Why are you?” he barked as Anakin only remained calm,
Anakin: “Its’ unrealistic, clearly no one wants to see two men kissing on TV” he explained, “Not the network, not the viewers, not to advertisers…” he was cut off by Obi Wan again,
Obi Wan: “That’s right, Anakin,” he told him, “They want to pretend we’re invisible” he continued, before he asked, “What about our constitutional rights to see two gay men get it on?” as Anakin only looked at him,
Anakin: “Would that be the constitutional right of “whee” the people?” he asked, clapping his hands before him before he want on, “Obi Wan, you’re fighting a losing battle” he informed him, “Go to my place, steal a sweater, have a easy afternoon and leave the silly protest to Mas Amedda and his flip flops” he pointed out as he moved over to the door,
Obi Wan: looking around to make sure no one heard him, “Look, Anakin, I don’t like to say this but I need you” he confessed, “Sure I have the face and the bod has the modelling carer and early years of dance” he went on, “But you, you’re the douty booklist brother. Anakin, plain and tall” he finished pleading with him more, “I need you and your 10 credits words and by, that may help my case” he told him as Anakin seemed surprised,
Anakin: “Really, you can’t just draw on your early years of dance?” he asked just as he saw his boss’s assistant standing at the door with a serious look on her face,
Sache: “When you and your boyfriend here are finish with your little game of slap and tickle” she spoke, “Mr Fair would like for you to call him in the speeder” she informed him as Anakin sighed,
Anakin: “He’ not my boyfriend” he corrected her but she didn’t care,
Sache: “Whatever you say” she replied, moving away from the office and Obi Wan went back to his pestering,
Obi Wan: “You coming or not?” he asked as Anakin shook his head moving back to his desk,
Anakin: “Obi Wan, no I’m sorry I can’t” he told him as Obi Wan simply replied,
Obi Wan: “Well, just so you know. We are no longer friends” he announced as Anakin shrugged,
Anakin: taking his seat behind his desk: “Yeah, that what’s you said last week at the movies when I left you a black shurra” he reminded him as Obi Wan only sighed,
Obi Wan: “Thanks a lot Anakin, thanks for recognising when something is really important to me” he informed him and was gone as Anakin simply stared down at the comm., reflecting with what he had just said.
Setting: Padme’s apartment
With Obi Wan’s words still in his head, Anakin needed a distraction and seeing how Padme still had not unpacked her boxes in her apartment. Anakin set it upon himself to clean up her apartment. She had just entered the door to find him cleaning her fireplace,
Padme: “I thought you promised to wear a Alderaan maid’s uniform the last time you did this” she smiled, as he turned around to greet her,
Anakin: “Your place is filthy” he simply told her, “P.S, you’ve lived her for seven months you may want to consider unpacking” he pointed out indicating the boxes before him as Padme only smiled,
Padme: “P.S, I thought we talked about the P.S. what are you doing?”” she asked him as Anakin started to open up one of the boxes,
Anakin: “I’m just helping out” he lied adding, “By the way, milk in the fridge has gone so bad its now good cheese” he pointed out as Padme only seemed surprised and moved over to the kitchen,
Anakin: “Where do you keep the scrubbing stuff?” he asked as she moved into the kitchen,
Padme: “What did you do to Obi Wan?” she asked straight realising why he was helping her as he looked up confused,
Anakin: “What?’ he asked as Padme went on,
Padme: “Every time you do something bad to Obi Wan, you always become a better friend to me” she reminded him as Anakin only moved over to the door,
Anakin: starting to clean above the door, “He wants me to go down to the network and complain about this whole kiss thing and I said no and he was mad at me. How ridiculous is that?’ he asked as Padme only sighed,
Padme: “Hmmm” she replied as he stopped and turned around,
Anakin: “Hmm, what you think I’m wrong?” he asked as Padme only stepped back,
Padme: “All I said was hmmm” she defended herself but Anakin knew more,
Anakin: “Oh, but there was so much behind that hmmm” he told her as Padme decided to explain herself,
Padme: “Okay, look. Obi Wan is so focused on one issue for more than a day and a half” she started, “This is bad. It may be ridiculous but it is important to him. He’s your friend and to me that’s more than enough reason to support him” she explained as Anakin felt like he wanted to change subject,
Anakin: Can we talk about something else?” he asked as Padme knew she was getting to him,
Padme: “Ooh. Push a button” she noted as Anakin fired one back at her,
Anakin: “Broken up with Tru yet?” he asked as she quickly moved away,
Padme: “Can we talk about something else?” she asked now it was Anakin’s turn to tease her,
Anakin: “Ooh, push a button” he went on as Padme assured him,
Padme: “I’m gonna break up with him tonight”
Setting: Padme’s bedroom
Having told Anakin that she was going to break up with him, she invited Tru over to tell him but of course, ended with them sleeping together. As they layed in bed the next morning, Tru looked down at her,
Tru: “Last night was really special” he told her as she layed next to him, managing a small smile,
Padme: “Yeah, it was” she could only reply, not knowing how she was going to get out of this relationship.
Setting: Television Studio
Having showed up at the studio by himself, Obi Wan now stood before a quiet young secretary who was simply telling to take a seat but he wasn’t buying her look. Standing before her still, with his arms folded before him,
Obi Wan: “You really think that look really scares me?” he asked in a sharp tone of voice, before he scoffs, “I once walked in on Yane Rose with a wig” he informed her before he repeated himself, “Now I am not leaving until the president of the network hears what I have to say” he informed her as she just stared back,
Secretary: “Please have a seat sir” she informed him as Obi Wan looked at her, his arms folded before him before he wiggled a finger before her,
Obi Wan: “You’re very crafty” he informed her, “Just so you know I am not going anywhere” he told her, “I’ll chain myself to the desk if I have to” he told her as a surprise voice entered the room,
Anakin: “He will. He has his own chain” he agreed, entering the room as Obi Wan beamed with delight,
Obi Wan: “Oh my god, Anakin. I’d knew you’d come!” he exclaimed before he changed his tone, “I mean what are you doing here?” he asked as Anakin smiled,
Anakin: “I’m here to help you. Together we are going to stick it to the man” he informed him as Obi Wan couldn’t be happier,
Obi Wan: “Okay” he replied thinking he meant something else he told him, “But lets’ do this first” he informed him to the secretary.
Setting: Padme’s apartment and Sabe’s place
As Tru slept in Padme’s bed, Padme huddled behind her armchair with her comm. She needed to talk to someone about to break up with Tru and she knew one person who may be able to help her.
Padme: in a low whisper: “Sabe, its Padme” she whispered into her comm. “Padme Naberrie” she added as Sabe seemed surprised, as she was in her bath with her husband opposite her,
Sabe: “Honey, how did you get this number!?!” she exclaimed as Padme reminded her,
Padme: “You gave me this number in case of emergencies, remember?” she pointed out as Sabe laughed,
Sabe: “Oh good, honey. I want you to have it” she assured her, before she covered the comm., “Alex, have butler change all the phone numbers on the second floor” she hinted turning back to her comm., “So what’s going on, honey?” she asked
Padme: “I have to be mean and I need an expert” she informed her as Sabe just laughed,
Sabe: “Well, I’m flattered. What can I do you for?” she asked before she noticed something, “Alex, that had better be soap on a rope” she informed him, staring straight at him, watching him closely as Padme replied,
Padme: looking over the armchair at Tru: “Um, Sabe. I can’t get rid of this guy. He’s sweet but he’s not for me. I just don’t know how to say it to his face” she confessed as Sabe only told her,
Sabe: “Yeah well, say it to his bald spot as you push him from the air taxi” moving to hang up, “Bye, bye” as Padme quickly told her,
Padme: “No, no, no, wait. I can’t do it that way” she explained, “How do I explain this?” she asked herself, before going on, “Most human beings have the capacity to feel emotions” she told her as Sabe only scoffed,
Sabe: “Well, they’re weak” she informed her as Padme pleaded with her,
Padme: “Come on, help me. I need a good lie” she told her as Sabe got an idea,
Sabe: “Oh I know honey. That’s easy” she assured her, “Just tell him you’re madly in love with Anakin” she informed her, adding, “Cause I don’t know how the lie part comes in” she muttered as Alex started to move his foot towards her before she slapped it away, and turning back to the comm., “But I think it will work” she promised as Padme only sighed,
Padme: “You know what. This was a mistake. I’m sorry I called you. Bye” she told her, she hung up and held her head in her hands before she was startled,
Tru: “Hey” he spoke as she quickly rose her head, as he smiled, “I’m going to pick you up some natural essence” he informed her as Padme only smiled,
Padme: “Thanks” she replied as he moved off,
Tru: calling over his shoulder: “It helps with breast tendance brought on by water” he informed her as she simply held her head in her hands once more, wondering how she was going to get out of this relationship.
Setting: Network Studio
As Anakin was trying to speak with the executives, Obi Wan was informing another customer of his problem and why he was here but he was about to discover that some are crazier than him:
Obi Wan: “And just as Adam and Jared were about to kiss, they cut away to the fireplace” he finished explaining to the lady, “And I just find that repressible” he told her before asking, “What’s your complaint?” he asked as the lady blurted straight out,
Lady: “I want Vacloum back” she cried speaking of the former Courscant talk show host, as Obi Wan went quiet,
Obi Wan: “That’s um important too.” He finally managed to say, “Have you always been political?” he asked as she quickly spoke once more,
Lady: “You’re speaking a little too loudly” as Obi Wan seemed startled,
Obi Wan: “Oh, I’m sorry” he told her as she quickly corrected him,
Lady: “No, not you” as Obi Wan became confused and looked around to see who else was here as Anakin re emerged,
Anakin: “I spoke to one of their P.R people and they said they’re sending someone down” he informed his friend before he noticed the lady, “Who’s this?” he asked through his teeth as Obi Wan smiled,
Obi Wan: “Anakin, this is my new friend” he started before he added through his teeth, “Crazy” as Anakin smiled back,
Anakin: “Got you” he replied through his teeth as the lady smiled at him,
Lady: “Hey ho!” she exclaimed startling Anakin.
Setting: Padme’s apartment
Sitting opposite Tru in her bed, with her sheets covering her body, Padme, looked over at Tru, as he explained an interesting way of exercise,
Tru: “So, to do the keyed exercise, you just clench and release. Its really quite wonderful, like sit ups for love sweet flowers” he smiled as Padme simply stared back,
Padme: unable to know how she would reply, “Wow” she started, “Almost brought up a little yam there” she finished, simply thinking of how she could break up with him.
Setting: Network studio
Realising just how crazy this lady was, Anakin and Obi Wan kept their distance in the waiting room as she started to entertain them with some old tricks she had seen on the holo net show she loved,
Lady: holding a piece of paper to her head: “Um, six boom bar” she guessed before she opened it, “What do you hear when Scrooge passes a stove?” she asked before she laughed, “Ah, that’s very funny” she added as Anakin simply turned to Obi Wan,
Anakin: “Do you have a creepy fear that she enjoys her life more than I do?” he asked him as Obi Wan answered back,
Obi Wan: “Because she has 250 people in her head, none of whom own a toothbrush” holding a hand over his nose just as the public relations person entered the waiting room,
Public Relations assistant: “Get this over to Mas Amedda’s office” he informed the secretary before he turned over to Anakin and Obi Wan who were on their feet, “Hi, I’m Jack Smith, Public Relations Vice President in charge of Public Relations for the office of the President of the Network” he smiled at them as Anakin spoke,
Anakin: “You’re his assistant. We spoke earlier” he reminded him as Jack nodded,
Jack: “Anyway, I’ve been sent down regarding your complement regarding the kiss on ‘Along Came You’ he told them as Obi Wan spoke next,
Obi Wan: “Yes, we are outraged!” he exclaimed, “I hope you presented him with my letter and petition” he told him as Jack answered smiling,
Jack: “I did” he assured him as Anakin asked,
Anakin: “And what did they have to say?” hoping for good news as Jack explained to them,
Jack: “Well, it was discussed at length and the final word is….” He paused before shrugging, “No comment” he told them before he smiled, “Have a good day and thank you for visiting us at NBC” he told them as the lady smiled,
Lady: “Ding, ding, dong” singing the network’s theme as Anakin, shocked at the final word, argued,
Anakin: “No, we are loyal viewers and consumers and we find your policies unfair and discriminating. What you need to understand…….” He was cut off by Jack,
Jack: “No, sir, what you need to understand is that this network has a responsibility to this audience. Now I understand you’re disappointed” he told them, leaning in closer, “Believe me. I understand” he went on, looking over at Obi Wan, “Hi” he smiled as Obi Wan simply smiled back,
Obi Wan: “Hi” he replied back as Jack explained,
Jack: “But you will never see two gay men kissing on Network Television” as Obi Wan was outraged even more.
Obi Wan: It’s a gay network for god’s sake. The symbol is a peacock!” he exclaimed as Jack only waved them off,
Jack: “Have a nice day” he finished turning to the woman, “Sally, come on in. he’ll see you now” he informed her as she gathered her bag,
Sally: “Okay, lets go everybody” she spoke, “I said no” she added, looking up as Anakin only turned to Obi Wan shocked at what had just happened.
Setting: Courscant Streets
Having had little success at the studio, Anakin and Obi Wan were now exiting the building and Obi Wan was venting out his frustration and how he will take it further,
Obi Wan: “That was appalling. A travesty of justice!” he exclaimed, “We need to take this further, all the way to the Senate” he went on, “We have friends there. We’ll talk to that gay Senator. The little guy we like with the glasses” he pointed out while Anakin just sighed,
Anakin: “Obi Wan, we’ve been over this. Sly Moore is a woman” he corrected him as Obi Wan only shrugged,
Obi Wan: “Yeah, well I am not done with this. We need to get our message our there. Put it on the national stage” he informed him, “Maybe I’ll write an epic poem on my website What’s an epic poem?” he asked as Anakin pointed out,
Anakin: “It’s a long story” he sighed as Obi Wan waved his hand,
Obi Wan: “Ok, scratch that. thinking, thinking, thinking” he muttered to himself, stopping on the walkway before he noticed something that caught his eye, “I know I’ll use the news media. I’ll talk to Tyson Reacher!” he exclaimed, in regards to Courscant’s popular weatherman as Anakin laughed,
Anakin: “Yeah, because everyone knows once you have a weatherman on your side, there’s no end to your power” he mocked as Obi Wan laughed,
Obi Wan: “No, he’s right over there doing the Today show. Ty! Ty!” he called out rushing over as Anakin reluctantly followed.
Setting: Anakin’s office’s staff room,
Enjoying her break in the staff room, Sache watched Tyson on the holo net. She, of course, was more focused on Tyson than on what he was saying,
Tyson on the holo net: “Now lets’ see about that weather” he spoke as Sache leaned in closer towards the holo net,
Sache: “Mm hm, big old handsome warm c\front coming in from the South. Woo!” she exclaimed.
Sabe’s Place
With the holo net blaring nearby, Sabe cleaned herself in her bath while her husband stood nearby trying to entice her but Sabe only scoffed,
Sabe: “Oh Alexander. You know I don’t find that funny” she reminded him before she snapped, “Now get me another towel and put it on the rack!” she ordered.
Padme’s apartment
Having finally been able to tell Tru she needed to end the relationship, she finally took Sabe’s advice and lie,
Padme: “Um Tru. I have something I have to tell you and I don’t know how to say it, other than just come out with it” she started trying to avoid looking at him, “Um, I’m in love with another man” she confessed as Tru went quiet,
Tru: Oh” he sighed as Padme went on,
Padme: “Its Anakin. You know him. He lives across the hall” as Tru went even sadder,
Tru: “Oh” he sighed once more,
Courscant Streets
Obi Wan and Anakin pushed their way through the crowd towards the front,
Obi Wan: “Ty!” he called as Anakin tried to be realistic,
Anakin: “Obi Wan, there’s like a thousand people here. He’s not going to talk to you” he told him as Obi Wan called out,
Obi Wan: “Ty, its my birthday and I’m 100 years old. Talk to me!” he exclaimed as Tyson stopped before him as he finally made his way to the front,
Tyson: “What’s your name?” he asked as Obi Wan went star struck,
Obi Wan: “Hi, oh my god, Tyson Reacher” he smiled touching his face before he grabbed the microphone towards him, “Anyway, um, the reason we’re here, um I don’t know if you’re aware. On the episode of ‘Along Came You’ there was supposed to be a kiss and they wasn’t” he told him as Tyson only replied,
Tyson: “Well you know Obi Wan. A kiss is just a kiss” before he tried to move on, “Do we have any anniversaries here?” he asked the crowd as Obi Wan steered him back to him,
Obi Wan: “Whoa, back to Obi Wan” he told him, “Uh, we went to complain and this closet case upstairs, cute in an offbeat way, got his number” he told him, while Anakin began to notice camera nearby, forming a plan as Obi Wan went on, “Totally gave us the brush and I just want to know how long I’m going to have to wait to see two gay men kissing on network TV!” he demanded as Anakin suddenly spoke,
Anakin: “Not as long as you think” he told him, grabbing Obi Wan and giving him a long kiss as everyone stared in shock.
Sabe’s Place
Having been watching the show, Sabe was stunned to see Obi Wan and Anakin kissing, that she slipped further in the bath before she regained herself,
Sabe: “Oh my lord” she gasped, moving closer to the television.
Anakin’s office
Watching the whole time, she was not surprised that Anakin and Obi Wan were kissing as she scoffed,
Sache: “Not your boyfriend I disagree!” she exclaimed moving over to the bench behind her, glancing over her shoulder.
Padme’s apartment
Having just told Tru she’s in love with Anakin, she just stared at the television, trying to find the words to answer,
Padme: “And that’s the love of my life, kissing that guy” she just blurted.
Setting: Anakin’s apartment
Having arrived back at Anakin’s apartment, Anakin was still surprised at how he just went for it and kissed Obi Wan right before all those people!
Anakin: “That was incredible!” he exclaimed as Obi Wan trudged in behind him while he moved for the kitchen, “I mean four seconds before I did it. I wasn’t going to do it and then I just did it!” he exclaimed, getting a drink, as Obi Wan spoke,
Obi Wan: “Yes, Anakin Brava!” he muttered, “I mean lets be honest with each other. We both know what actually happened this morning” he explained as Anakin simply looked over at him,
Anakin: “Remind us” he told him, taking a sip of his drink as Obi Wan simply laughed,
Obi Wan: “Masking your attraction to me with political agenda. You are so transparent” he informed him as Anakin only smirked,
Anakin: “Wow. Nothing gets by you” he replied as Obi Wan moved into the living room,
Obi Wan: “I just pray none of my boyfriends saw that tragic display, cause that’s like five serious long term relationships down the tube” he confessed as Anakin only sighed, moving into the room,
Anakin: “Five huh?” he noted, “That’s a lot of balls in the air” he laughed, “I just can’t believe what we did” he told him as Obi Wan had to agreed,
Obi Wan: “Yes, well despite the creepy motivation. The people out there owe us a big fat thank you” he pointed out as the front door slammed open and in strolled Padme, dressed in her light blue dressing gown and an angry look on her face,
Padme: “Well thank you very much!” she angrily exclaimed as Anakin and Obi Wan looked over at her, confused so she went on, “Because of your little on air lip lock. I’m gonna spend the next three weeks on IIum with no heat with my undumped boyfriend Tru!” she explained angrily as Anakin only asked,
Anakin: “I thought you were going to break up with him?” as she scoffed,
Padme: “I was! Until some big Queen on the Today show blew my alby!” she added before she stormed out leaving Anakin and Obi Wan to turn and look at each other,
Anakin and Obi Wan: pointing to each other: “She’s talking about you!” they both said to each other as Anakin stared at him while Obi Wan only stared back in shock.
The end. I hope you all enjoyed this fun edition of Star Wars Will and Grace. I had fun writing this as I hope you will enjoy reading it